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Nel mezzo del Camin: an Early Modern, Interdisciplinary, Works-In-Progress Colloquium.

New York, 13 février.

Sunday 8 February 2009, by Antoine Roullet

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The Graduate Students of the NY Italian Studies Department Present:
Nel mezzo del cammin : an Early Modern, Interdisciplinary, Works-In-Progress Colloquium, Friday, February 13th, 2009.

Morning Session, Graduate Papers

9:30 A.M.- 1:15 P.M.
NYU Casa Italiana
24 W 12th Street, 2nd Floor

Painting, Performance and Pirouette

9:30-11:00 A.M.

Leslie A. Geddes (Princeton - Art and Archaeology)
Undercurrents: Approaching Leonardo and his Water Studies

Olivia Powell (Columbia - Art History)
Painter/Choreographer: an experiment in the study of
figural composition

Elizabeth Blake (NYU - English)
Deus ex Machina: Chance Effects and Accidental Stage Machinery
in Thomas Middleton’s Women Beware Women

11:00-11:15 A.M. Break

Italian Intertextuality

11:15 A.M. - 1:15 P.M.

Kristen Renner Swann (Columbia - Italian)
E quivi partori un altro figliuol maschio: Historicizing Maternity
and the Child in Boccaccio’s Ninfale Fiesolano and Decameron.

Leah Whittington (Princeton - Comp. Lit)
Petrarch’s Africa and the Truth Claims of Poetry

Alana Shilling (Princeton - Comp. Lit)
Angelica’s Bracelet: The Problem (and Promise) of
Invented Etiologies

Katharina Piechocki (NYU - Comp. Lit)
Un/Translatables. Early Modern Translation
Studies between East and West.

Afternoon Session, Invited Speakers

2:30-6:00 P.M.
NYU Humanities Initiative
20 Cooper Square (at East 5th St.), 5th Fl.

Moderator: Professor Jane Tylus (NYU - Italian)

2:30 - 4:00 P.M.

Denise Budd (Columbia Art History)
Leonardo in Milan, before Milan? A Reconsideration of the
Artist’s Early Chronology

Emily Wilbourne (Columbia Musicology)
Performance anxiety and the historical record

4:00 - 4:15 P.M. Break

4:15 - 6:00 P.M.

Lynn Catterson (Columbia Art History)
Donatello and the Cortona Sarcophagus. Towards a Simulation
of Antiquity in the Renaissance

Gerry Milligan (Staten Island College-CUNY Department of Modern
Spectacular War: The Beloved’s Gaze and Renaissance Manhood

For More Information Email: bryanjbrazeau@gmail.com

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