Accueil > Actualités > Programmes des manifestations > The Golden Age and Renaissance Seminar : Religious Culture in Early Modern Spain
The Golden Age and Renaissance Seminar : Religious Culture in Early Modern Spain
16 février 2008, University College, Londres
mercredi 6 février 2008, par
Session 1 : 11h30 - 13h
Amy Fuller (Manchester), Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz’s El mártir del sacramento, San Hermenegildo
Tyler Fisher (Oxford), The Text as Honeycomb : Golden-Age Interactions between Poetics and Incarnational Theology
Michael Rolfe (UCL), Lope’s Buddha : Barlaam y Josefat
Session 2 : 14h – 16h
David McGrath (King’s and Manchester), Self-Flagellation and Mortification from Santa Rosa de Perú to Luisa de Carvajal y Mendoza
Anne Holloway (Queens University Belfast), The Potency of Pastoral in Early Modern Religious Lyric
Janet Ravenscroft (Birkbeck), The virgin and the widow : picturing divinity and difference at the court of Philip II
Session 3 : 16h30 – 18h 30.
Terence O’Reilly (Cork) Contemplation and spiritual friendship in the “Carta para Arias Montano”
Richard Tilbury “God is Spanish and fights for our nation” : El Sotillo (The Battle of Jérez, Zurbarán, 1638) – an expression of religious militancy during national decline
Andrew Herskovits (UCL) The Judaization of Christianity in Felipe Godinez’s Ester plays
Peter Tyler (Saint Mary’s University College) Unsaying and Unknowing in Teresa of Avila and Ludwig Wittgenstein
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