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Jacques Androuet du Cerceau. « Un des plus grands architectes qui se soit jamais trouvé en France. »
Sous la direction de Jean Guillaume en collaboration avec Peter Fuhring.
Saturday 27 February 2010, by
All the versions of this article: [English] [français]
Du Cerceau’s graphic work – the most extensive and diverse oeuvre of the 16th
century – was examined in its entirety only once before, in 1887. Since then, studies
have focused only upon certain aspects of it, but no one has previously examined the
full body of work, consisting of 1,700 engravings and 1,200 designs, left to us by the
artist. Hence the urgent need for a new monograph which could only be written by a
group of dedicated scholars. The first requirement was the compilation of a
photographic corpus that was accomplished with the aide of the Getty Research
Institute. This book is thus the product of an eight-year collective effort. It describes
the career of a great artist under the protection of the French King, explains his
working methods, identifies the many sources which fuelled his imagination and
highlights, at long last, the originality of an admirably multidisciplinary oeuvre : Du
Cerceau the engraver, designer and architect not only created original ornamental
details, but invented new forms of ancient and modern architectural elements, even
as he was a witness to, or an active participant in, French architectural initiatives of
his own time. The two catalogues at the end of this book reject the mistaken
attributions of drawings and prints and describe every group of designs produced by
Du Cerceau, thereby laying the solid foundation of further studies for which this book
may serve as a point of departure.
Éditions Picard
82, rue Bonaparte – F-75006 Paris
Tel : 33.(0) - Fax : 33.(0)
Coédition Cité de l’architecture & du patrimoine.
Un volume relié 25 × 28 cm, 352 pages, 416 illustrations en couleurs.
Prix : 65 € – Parution : février 2010.
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