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Body on Display from Renaissance to enlightenment.

Until the 30 of january 2010.

Thursday 5 November 2009, by Antoine Roullet

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

Durham University organises a two-day symposium for postgraduates and postdoctoral researchers exploring the visual, material and representational cultures surrounding the inner depths and outer surfaces of the human body, c.1400-c.1800.

Possible topics might include (but are not limited to):

 Dissection, the medical ’gaze’ and medical illustration

 Corporeality and the flesh in the visual, written and performing arts

 The body in religious iconography, hagiography and religious performance

 Gesture, kinesics and the expression of emotions

 Corporal punishment and bodily shaming

 Clothing, garments and cosmetics, and their significance

For more details, visit the symposium website or contact us at body.ondisplay@durham.ac.uk

The event will take place in Durham University (6-7 July 2010)

Illustration: gravure tirée du De humani corporis fabrica, 1543 (source: Wikimedia Commons).

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