Accueil > Actualités > Appels à communication > Contextus Neolatini : Neo-Latin in local, trans-regional and worldwide contexts

Contextus Neolatini : Neo-Latin in local, trans-regional and worldwide contexts

Appel àcommunication expirant le 31 mars 2014.

jeudi 20 février 2014, par Guillaume Berthon


The theme of the Congress will be “Contextus Neolatini : Neo-Latin in local, trans-regional and worldwide contexts (Neulatein im lokalen, transregionalen und weltweiten Kontext)†. Papers on this theme (in Latin, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish) or on other aspects of Neo-Latin Studies are welcome. We especially welcome abstracts on : Neo-Latin and its relations to the vernacular ; Neo-Latin as it appears in disciplines other than ‘literature’ (belles lettres) ; Neo-Latin and pedagogics ; and digital projects. We especially encourage members to submit proposals for papers in these areas.

Abstracts between 150 words minimum and 200 words maximum in length should be submitted to Prof. Dr. Franz Römer. Abstracts sent as WORD e-mail attachments ( are preferred, but submissions sent by post (Prof. Dr. Franz Römer, Institut für Klassische Philologie, Mittel- und Neulatein, Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität Wien, Universitätsring 1, A-1010 Wien, Österreich) will also be accepted. E-mails must arrive no later than 31 March 2014. Abstracts sent by post must bear a date stamp of no later than 31 March 2014. Abstracts sent after that date will not be accepted. Only papers dealing with Neo-Latin subjects will be considered. The guidelines for abstracts may be downloaded from the website of IANLS ( You will also find the abstract guidelines at the end of this communication. The Executive Committee is responsible for accepting or rejecting papers and will inform the proposers by 15 October 2014.

The Organizing Committee will also welcome proposals for special sessions. Such sessions can focus either on the special theme of the congress or on any subject relating to Neo-Latin Studies. We want to encourage members to propose special sessions on method, on how one does research in Neo-Latin. Each session must have a clearly stated theme. Proposers are responsible for organizing their sessions. The deadline for detailed proposals is also 31 March 2014. The guidelines for proposals for special sessions may be obtained in the same way as the guidelines for abstracts.

Scholars proposing papers or organizing and participating in special sessions must be paid-up members of the IANLS when they make their proposal, i.e. before 31 March 2014. Those interested in submitting papers or proposing sessions who are not IANLS members should contact the secretary (see also > Membership > How to join the IANLS).

Scholars are advised that the delivery time for each paper must not exceed 20 minutes. Furthermore, papers delivered at an international congress should be read slowly and clearly in order to be intelligible to an international audience. In practice, this means that papers should be c. 2,000 words or 10,400 characters.

The Organizing Committee also welcomes proposals for posters about research projects. Posters offer information in visual form and will be on exhibit for most of the congress. At a certain point, an hour will be left free of other activities so that the authors of posters can be present and answer questions onlookers may want to ask. The guidelines for proposals for posters may be obtained in the same way as the guidelines for abstracts.

The Executive Committee and the Organizing Committee are exploring the possibility of awarding a limited number of travel grants for doctoral and early career researchers (PhD + 3 years) to cover a proportion of the conference expenses. Details will be posted on the IANLS website and on the conference website In case of interest please indicate it together with sending your abstract and give a brief outline why you think to be the right candidate for a travel grant.

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