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Allusions and reflections : Greek and Roman mythology in Renaissance Europe

Appel àcommunication expirant le 31 mai 2011.

mercredi 30 mars 2011, par Guillaume Berthon

Call for Papers

Allusions and Reflections :

Greek and Roman mythology

In Renaissance Europe

A Multidisciplinary Symposium in Stockholm, Sweden
Hosted by Stockholm University and
The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities

Thursday June 7th to Saturday June 9th, 2012

Submission deadline : Tuesday May 31st, 2011

Stockholm University and The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities are pleased to announce a multidisciplinary Symposium in Stockholm, Sweden (June 7-9, 2012). The Symposium’s theme will be Allusions and Reflections : Greek and Roman Mythology in Renaissance Europe. Gathering scholars from a variety of disciplines ─ from political, religious and art history to literature and architecture ─ the Symposium will focus on the early modern period (ca 1450-1650) in Europe. Our intention is to enable and promote the exchange of ideas, experiences and knowledge across disciplinary and national borders.

The research carried out internationally in various subject areas (language and literature, history, architecture, art history, etc.) that deal with the European Renaissance is extensive. Research in this area is a central focus at a number of prominent universities. In Scandinavia, a number of initiatives have recently been taken in this field : In Denmark, an international network called Renaissance : the Origins of Modernity intends to develop relations with Renaissance institutes and individual scholars abroad. In Norway, the Early Modern Research Group is a hub for an international community of researchers working within this field. In Sweden, initiatives have been taken at Stockholm University and at the University of Gotland to gather scholars in the field of early modern studies, to expand the existing research network and to make new contacts.

Through our Stockholm Renaissance Symposium in 2012, we hope to bring together researchers from different parts of Scandinavia but also to establish a fruitful exchange with International researchers in this field by inviting participants from other countries. Our initiative might also be considered part of a series of cross-cultural Scandinavian conferences dedicated to the early modern age (with an immediate continuation in Copenhagen later in 2012).

As for the specific theme of the Symposium, we would like to focus on recycling, recuperations and transformations of ancient mythology during the Renaissance in a number of areas all over Europe. By returning to the Classical world of themes and ideas, Renaissance poets and artists were able to express their aesthetic ideals. Ancient mythology offered them a full set of useful metaphors which could take on new meanings in a new cultural context. The Symposium gives us an opportunity to problematize this well-researched field : Why all these reflections and allusions ? What happens if we go beyond the study of sources in order to analyze the functions, effects and consequences of this re-use and re-telling ? Which arguments were most efficiently mobilized against mythology by the skeptical or religious intellectuals ? We want to move beyond mythology as mere propaganda and ornaments – in order to develop an understanding of the ancient tales and fables as contemporary means to explain and comprehend the early modern world. These issues should also be examined in a broad cultural context ─ the early modern systems as of art and literature ─ where new genres were being invented with reference to Classical literary and artistic forms. Hopefully, we can uncover and disseminate some groundbreaking insights, as well as explore the debates in the new sciences concerning this field.

As keynote speakers we have invited prominent international specialists such as Stephen Campbell (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore), Angela Locatelli (UniversitàDegli Studi di Bergamo), Olivier Millet (Sorbonne and CNRS, Paris) and Teresa Chevrolet (University of Geneva). Our idea is to alternate plenary lectures with 20 minute-presentations followed by discussions. In this way we can share experiences, discuss teaching and research issues related to the topic and define the current research front. The conference language is English.

Possible topics for submission could include but are not limited to :

 The use of mythological characters and themes for moral and didactic purposes
 Renaissance ideals based on mythological themes
 Mythology celebrating the glory of monarchy
 Resistance to mythology
 Aspects of the history of the concept of mythology
 The anti-mythologizing of the concept of mythology
 Ancient mythology as a tool of Christian arguments

Papers should be given in English. They should be no longer than 20 minutes, to allow a fruitful discussion after each contribution. If you are interested in presenting a paper, please submit a 250 word abstract to PhD Anna Carlstedt before Tuesday May 31st, 2011. A website is coming up soon. Organizers at Stockholm University – in close cooperation with The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities – are :

 PhD Anna Carlstedt, French (Department of French, Italian and Classical Languages),
 Professor Anders Cullhed, Literature (Department of Literature and History of Ideas),
 Professor Peter Gillgren, Department of Art History,
 Research Fellow Tzortzis Ikonomou, Italian (Department of French, Italian and Classical Languages),
 Professor Erland Sellberg, History of Ideas (Department of Literature and History of Ideas),
 Professor Elisabeth WÃ¥ghäll Nivre, German (Department of Baltic Languages, Finnish and German).

The image depicts Daphne, the symposium patroness : Daphne, who in Ovid’s Metamorphoses is transformed into a laurel tree to escape Apollo’s courtship. In the watermark she is seen in the form of an original example of Renaissance interpretations of the myth : the tree branches are made of coral. Silver sculpture by Wenzel Jamnitzer (1508-1585), Musée National de la Renaissance, in Écouen just outside Paris.

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