Accueil > Actualités > Programmes des manifestations > Congrès 2008 de la Société française d’histoire urbaine.
Congrès 2008 de la Société française d’histoire urbaine.
Lyon, aoà »t 2008
samedi 5 juillet 2008, par
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La SFHU met en ligne le programme général de son congrès 2008.
On trouvera les informations précises sur la page de la SFHU.
M1 Around the property (XIIth-XVIIIth century) / Autour de la propriété (XIIe-XVIIIe siècle)
M2 Citizens and soldiers in early modern Europe
M3 Computer science in urban history
M4 Cosmopolitanism and the city : urban production and consumption 1600-1800
M5 Disability and the City : European perspectives
M6 Environmental and Social Inequalities in the City since 1800 / Les inégalités environnementales et sociales dans la ville depuis 1800
M7 European resorts and ports 1700-2000
M8 Framing identities, building political organizations. The construction of urban political identities in Late Medieval Western Europe
M9 Innovative Cities from the Renaissance to 2000
M10 Popular Housing and social control in the European cities, XVIIIth-XXth centuries
M11 Port Cities : Social, Cultural, and Built Repositories of Globalization and Networking in the 19th and 20th Century
M12 Public services and urban politics in European cities, 14th to 18th centuries
M13 Punishing the city from the Antiquity to the modern time / Le châtiment des villes, de l’Antiquité à la fin de l’époque moderne
M14 Shopping and Housing : Shops, Merchants’ Houses and the Market / Place in Europe in the Early Modern Age
M15 The foreign Policy of Western Cities (XIVth-XVIIth Centuries) / La politique extérieure des villes en Occident (XIVème-XVIIème siècles)
M16 The integration of economic immigrants in early modern and industrialising cities
M17 The Practice of Comparison : The Sources of a Compared History of European Cities (Urban Utilities and Public Works, XVIIIth-XXth century) / Comparer les villes, hier et aujourd’hui : les sources d’une histoire comparée des villes européennes (services urbains et travaux publics, XVIIIe-XXe siècles)
M18 Urban Governance Since 1945 : State, Welfare and Civic Society.
M19 Urban Society as a Producer and a Product of Space. Historians of the City and Henri Lefebvre after 35 years.
M20 Urban uses of the middle ages (XIXth-XXIst Centuries) / Usages urbains du Moyen Âge (XIXe-XXIe siècles)"
M21 Urbanisation and changing administrative borders
M22 XIXth century cities : historical knowledge and urbanistic references in the XXth century / La ville du 19ème siècle : connaissance historique et références urbanistiques au 20ème siècle
S1 Authoritarian Urbanisms : Politics and Design in European Communist and Fascist Cities Since 1917
S2 Big Buildings - Concepts of Competition and Order since the 19th Century
S3 Cities and Revolution in Latin America / Les Villes et les Révolutions en Amérique Latine"
S4 Dancing with the enemy ? Cultural and social relations in cities occupied by french troops (1792-1815) / Danser avec l’ennemi ? Relations culturelles et sociales dans les villes occupees par des troupes françaises (1792-1815)
S5 Demographic catastrophes, social mobility and urban growth in modern Europe / Accident démographique, mobilité sociale et développement urbain dans l’Europe pré-industrielle"
S6 From chronicles to novels. European cities and literary sources from the 15th to the 19th century /De la chronique au roman. Villes européennes et sources littéraires du XVe au XIXe siècle"
S7 Inventing an International Culture of Change :1870-1930.
S8 Laughing in the city, laughing at the city. Humour, wit and modern urban life
S9 Le polycentrisme religieux urbain
S10 Les espaces « intouchables  » de la ville coloniale (XVIIIe-XXe siècle)
S11 Lost tracks : how the XIX century transformed the historical city / Traces perdues : ou comment le 19ème siècle transforma la ville historique
S12 Lyon regarded from elsewhere (1245-1650) : exchanges, contests and perceptions / Lyon vu d’ailleurs (1245-1650) : échanges, compétitions et perceptions.
S13 Mapping the Hinterland / Tracer l’hinterland : Réseaux économiques, commerciaux et politiques derrière des villes de passage
S14 Mediterranean harbour towns and foreign traders settlements : a comparison in Medieval and Modern times / Villes portuaires de la Méditerranée et colonies des marchants étrangers : une comparution pendant l’âge medievale et moderne
S15 Migration/displacement and the dessimination of urban planning expertise in the mid 20th Century in non-Western areas
S16 Modernity and Material Culture in Urban Asia, c. 1900-1950
S17 Petites villes de montagne : jalons pour une étude européenne comparative
S18 Réseaux urbains et communication dans les villes arabo-musulmanes
S19 Sanatoriums and the city / Les Sanatoriums et la ville
S20 Self-Representation and Public Culture of the Balkan Urban Classes
S21 Small and middle-sized European towns and their urban history
S22 The artistic districts : between urban economy and social uses of the city XVth-XIXth centuries / Les quartiers artistiques entre économie urbaine et usages sociaux de la ville (XVe-XIXe siècles)
S23 The Baltic Sea Region 1700-1900. Trade, credits and family relations across the sea.
S24 The City in the eye of Law. Comparative History (Middle Age- XIXth century) / La cité dans la perspective du droit. Histoire comparée (Moyen Age- XIXe siècle)
S25 The importance of being green : urban development and green areas
S26 The Post-Socialist City. Contiunity and Change in Urban Space and Imagery
S27 The powers and the circulation of urban elites (Europe, XVIth-XVIIIth centuries) / Pouvoirs et circulation des élites dans la ville (Europe, XVIe-XVIIIe siècle)
S28 The relationships between Towns, their territories and space, 5th -12th cent., in North-West Europe / Les relations des villes à leur territoire et à l’espace, Ve - XIIe siècle, en Europe du nord-ouest
S29 The rise and fall of urban cultural industries : place-bound dynamics of urban cultural industries
S30 The underground : the very forbidden urban space
S31 The University and the City – Partnership or Rivalry ?
S32 Urban Centres of South Asia : Merchants and Maritime Commerce
S33 Urban diversity : Planning and defining and experiencing
S34 Urban Planning and the Pursuit of Happiness (Renaissance-present)
S35 Visionary Urbanism : Photographic, Filmic and Digital Representation
S36 Writing Urban History : [Multi]Disciplinary Comparisons
1 Generalization and Synthesis in European Urban History
2 Medieval and Early Modern
3 Modern and Contemporary
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