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Congrès de la Society for Renaissance Studies.
Dublin, Trinity College, 10-12 juillet 2008
samedi 23 février 2008, par
Le programme est mis en ligne et téléchargeable sur le site de la Society for Renaissance studies.
10 juillet 2008
13H30-14H : Discours d’ouverture par John Law (Chair, Society for Renaissance Studies) (Davis Theatre)
14h-15h30 : Session 1 :
’To die or not, and how ?’ (Swift Theatre)
Chris Black (University of Glasgow) : Attitudes of Inquisitors in Italy to the Death Sentence
Nicholas Terpstra (University of Toronto) : Making Martyrs : (Self-) Fashioning on the Gallows in Renaissance Italy
Camilla Russell (University of Newcastle) : Dying for Christ : the Theme of Martyrdom in Jesuit Missionary Correspondence
English Renaissance Music (Davis Theatre)
Philip Taylor (University of Lancaster) : ‘The mayden queen admired’ : Music and Identity in the Late Renaissance ‘Englished’ Madrigal
Kerry McCarthy (University of Duke) : Contrafacture and Ideology in the English Renaissance
William Peter Mahrt (University of Stanford) : Byrd’s Text-Setting in the Gradualia
The Politics of Viewing : Italian Renaissance Art (Téatar MáirtÃn Uà Chadhain)
Président : Alex Nagel (University of Toronto)
Yoni Ascher (University of Haifa) : The Devil in Naples : Two Interpretations of a Painting by Leonardo da Pistoia
Daniel M. Unger (Ben Gurion University) : Beyond the Artistic Realm : Guercino’s Political Paintings
Nirit Ben-Ayeh Debby (Ben Gurion University) : St Antoninus of Florence : Giambologna’s Salviati Reliefs - Saintly Images and Political Manipulation
16H-17h30 : Session 2
Elizabeth I : Foreign Dreams and Fantasies (Swift Theatre)
Président : John Bradley (University of Maynooth)
Carole Levine (University of Nebraska) : Foreign Dreams about Queen Elizabeth
Anna Riehl (University of Auburn) : Political Fantasizing : Ivan the Terrible and Elizabeth I
Thomas Herron (University of East Carolina) : Richard Nugent’s Cynthia (1604) : Recusant Dreams of a Heavenly Queen
Painting the Renaissance (Davis Theatre)
Luba Freedman (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) : Leonardo’s Leda, or the First all’antica Depiction of the Classical Myth
Fern Luskin (La Guardia Community College, CUNY) : Titian’s Amori and Andrii according to Moschus
Piers Baker-Bates (Department of Art History, University of Cambridge) : Spain’s only Michelangelo ? The Christ on the Cross at Logroño
Renaissance Cardinals : Conflict, Conspiracy and Corruption (Téatar MáirtÃn Uà Chadhain)
Présidente : Carol M. Richardson (The Open University)
Philippa Jackson (Warburg Institute, London) : The Petrucci Cardinals : Cooperation and Conflict
Helen Hyde (Independent) : Cardinal Sauli : Patronage and Plots
Miles Pattenden (Magdalen College, University of Oxford) : Nepotism, Corruption and the Renaissance Papacy : Pius IV and the Fall of the Carafa
18h30-19h30 (Davis Theatre), conférence plénière : Richard Wistreich (Newcastle)
19h30-20h30 : Réception
11 juillet
9h-11h : Session 3
Responses to Natural Disaster in the Renaissance (Swift Theatre)
Stephen Bowd (University of Edinburgh) : Civic Ritual and Weather in Renaissance Brescia
Elaine Fulton (University of Birmingham) : Acts of God ? Lucerne and the 1601 Earthquake
Trevor Dean (University of Roehampton) : Weather and Gender in Fifteenth-Century Chronicles
Amanda Lillie (University of York) : The Art of Weather : Representations of Meteorological Effects from Donatello to Leonardo
Locus amoenus : Gardens and Horticulture in Renaissance (Davis Theatre)
Présidente : Sarah Alyn Stacey (TCD)
Brent Elliott (Royal Horticultural Society) : The World of the Renaissance Herbal
Anthony Lappin (University of Manchester) : Fray Luis de Leon, the Virtuously Well-Read Gardener
Alexander Samson (University College, University of London) : Outdoor Pursuits in Lope’s Novelas a Marcia Leonarda
Eavan O’Brien (Trinity College Dublin) : (En)gendering Games in the jardÃn enganoso : a Seventeenth-Century Novella by MarÃa de Zayas y Sotomayor
Absolutism Revisited (Téatar MáirtÃn Uà Chadhain)
Harald Braun (University of Liverpool) : Lawless Sovereignty ? Revisiting Spanish Habsburg Absolutism
Paul Kleber Monod (University of Middlebury) : Was there an Art of Absolutism in Late 17 th-Century Europe ?
Anne McLaren (University of Liverpool) : Inhabiting the Absolute : James VI and the Banqueting House Ceiling
Penny Roberts (University of Warwick) : Royal Authority in Crisis ? France during the Religious Wars ?
11h30-13h : Session 4
Mortality (Swift Theatre)
Alexandra Bamji (Gonville and Caius College, University of Cambridge) : Death in Early Modern Venice : Managing Mortality
Georgios Steiris (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) : George of Trebizond on Death
Jenny Mayhew (University of Oxford Brookes) : Poems and Pocket-Watches : Telling the Renaissance Time
Renaissance Rewritings of the Middle Ages (Davis Theatre)
Président : Gerald Morgan (Trinity College Dublin)
Michael Rodman Jones (University of Leeds) : The Medieval World and the Renaissance Stage : A Knack to Know a Knave (1594)
Shane Collins (University of Durham) : A Comparative Study of Shakespeare’s Two Noble Kinsmen and Chaucer’s Knight’s Tale
Marco Nievergelt (University of Lausanne) : Merchant Adventurers, Wandering Knights and Medieval Pilgrims
Building the Renaissance (Téatar MáirtÃn Uà Chadhain)
Jeannie J. Labno (University of Sussex) : Power and Patronage in Renaissance Poland : the Tarnowski Family
Katherine McIver (University of Alabama) : Exceptional Women ? Homebuilders in Early Modern Italy
Arnold Witte (University of Amsterdam) : The diaeta : Reviving Pliny’s Architectural Heritage in Sixteenth-Century (Sub)urban Rome
14h-15h30 : Session 5
Politics and Performance (Swift Theatre)
Barbara Grammeniati (Roehampton University) : Filippo d’Aglie’s ballet Il dono dell re dell Alpi (1645)
Judith Bryce (University of Bristol) : Poetry and Politics : Lorenzo de’ Medici’s ‘Sonetto fatto a Cremona’ and the Target Audiences of the Comento de’ suoi sonetti
Rhian Wyn-Williams (University of Liverpool) : The Visual Language of Political Authority, 1640-1653
‘Classical Wine in Renaissance Wineskins’ ? Early Printed Editions in the Library of Trinity College Dublin : Collections, Commentaries and the Publication of Classical Authors (Davis Theatre)
Helen Conrad-O’Briain (Trinity College Dublin) : Vergilian Incunabula and Related Printing in the Old Library, Trinity College Dublin
Clare Guest (University of Kristiansand) : Italian Renaissance Commentaries on Horace
Garrett Fagan (Dublin City University/University College Dublin) : Reading Greek in Dublin, Printing Plato in Trinity : Classical Publishing and Reading Circles in Ireland
Humour in the Renaissance (Téatar MáirtÃn Uà Chadhain)
Andrew Hiscock (University of Wales, Bangor) : ‘Tragical, Comical, and Morall Discourses, bothe pleasaunt and profitable to the well smellyng noses of learned Readers’ : Gascoigne’s A Hundreth Sundrie Flowres (1573) and the Commitment to Comedy
Phillips Salman (Cleveland State University) : Humour in Edmund Spenser : Two Examples
John Parkin (University of Bristol) : Humour in the Joyeux Devis of Bonaventure des Périers
16h-18h : Session 6
Writing the Self and the Other in the Renaissance (Swift Theatre)
Felicity Green (King’s College, University of Cambridge) : ‘Sçavoir estre à soy’ : Selfhood as Freedom in Montaigne’s Essais
Hester Schadee (Somerville College, University of Oxford) : The Reception of Julius Caesar in Milanese Humanism
Alexander Lee (University of Edinburgh) : Petrarch’s Conception of Friendship
Günther Rohr (Universität Koblenz-Landau) : Minne im frühneuhochdeutschen Prosaroman
Magic and Science (Davis Theatre)
Edina Eszenyi (Central University of Europe, Budapest) : Angels and Magicians in Early Modern Europe
Deborah Lea (University of Liverpool) : Confessional Conflict and Possession in Sixteenth-Century Lancashire
Anatole Tchikine (Trinity College Dublin) : Natural Magic and the ‘Science of waters’ : the Unpublished Treatises of a Late Sixteenth-Century Neapolitan fonaniere
Patrizia Grimaldi Pizzorno (University of Siena) : The magnetic Gesta Grayorum of 1594
Travel Writing (Téatar MáirtÃn Uà Chadhain)
Nandini Das (University of Liverpool) : The ‘imaginative ground-plot of a profitable invention’ : Travel and Narrative in Renaissance Romance
Matthew Dimmock (University of Sussex) : Learning of ‘Strange Men’ : Travel and the Individual Reader in Early English Printed Texts
Claire Jowitt (University of Nottingham Trent) : Piracy, Travel and Colonialism in Fletcher and Massinger’s The Sea Voyage (1622)
Liz Oakley-Brown (University of Lancaster) : ‘From Court to Countrey will I goe’ : The Sexual/Textual Politics of Space in the Works of Thomas Churchyard (1523 ?-1604)
18h30-19h30 (Davis Theatre) : conférence plénière : Alex Nagel (University of Toronto)
18h39-19h30 : Réception
12 juillet
9h-11h : Session 7
Representations of Women (Swift Theatre)
Yu-Chun Chiang (University College London) : Typological Readings of Katherine of Aragon in Henry VIII
Chimène Bateman (Wadham College, University of Oxford) : Literary Masquerade and the ‘Angoysses’ of Gender in Hélisenne de Crenne’s Les Angoysses douloureuses qui procedent d’amours
Wendy Ring Freeman (University of Arizona) : Culture Wars : Tradition and Innovation in Marie de Gournay’s Self-Fashioning
Katherine Heavey (University of Durham) : ‘Not worth what she doth cost/The holding’ : Representing Helen of Troy in the Renaissance
Reading the Renaissance (Davis Theatre)
Cathy Santore (New York City College of Technology) : In Light of the Text
Ambra Moroncini (University of Sussex) : A Plausible Reading of Michelangelo’s Frescoes of the Pauline Chapel
Trudy Ko (Gonville and Caius, University of Cambridge) : Reconstructing Beware the Cat : the Popular Reader’s Early Prose Fiction
Literature of the Reformation (Téatar MáirtÃn Uà Chadhain)
Barbara Brumbaugh (University of Auburn) : Amphialus and the
Half-Reformed Church of England in Sidney’s Revised Arcadia
Shona McIntosh (University of Glasgow) : Chapman, Marlowe, and the Duke of Guise : the St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre on the English Stage
Kathleen O’Leary (Liverpool John Moores University at St Helens’ College) : ‘I my brother know/Yet living in my glass’ : Re-formation and Remembrance in Twelfth Night
Ruth Ahnert (New Hall, University of Cambridge) : The Carriers of John Bradford’s Letters
11h30-13h : Session 8
Perception and Conception of the Self in the Northern Renaissance (Swift Theatre)
Présidents : Jürgen Pieters and Alexander Roose (University of Ghent)
Lukasz Romanowski (University of Lodz) : On John Donne’s Biothanatos
Christophe Angebault (University of Paris III) : On Self-Censorship in the Writings of Jean Bodin
Lise Gosseye and Christophe Van der Vorst (University of Ghent) : On Consolation of the Others as Fashioning of the Self in Texts by Constantijn Huygens
Music and Text (Davis Theatre)
Andrew Johnstone (Trinity College Dublin) : Heaven, Earth and the Ineffable : Text and Music in William Byrd’s Great Service
Susan Anderson (Leeds, Trinity and All Saints University College, Leeds) : ‘A doleful and straunge noyse’ : Music and Signification in the Elizabethan Dumb Show
Katrine K. Wong (University of Leeds) : ‘Much taken/He has bin with thy battell songs’ : Music and Masculinity in John Fletcher’s The Mad Lover
The Sacred and the Profane (Téatar MáirtÃn Uà Chadhain)
Loretta Vandi (Liceo Artistico A. Serpieri, Rimini) : Eufrasia Burlamacchi and Savonarolan Art in the Lucchese Convent of San Domenico
Iain McClure (Birkbeck, University of London) : John Milton and Renaissance Egyptology
Kevin Killeen (University of Leeds) : Being Jeroboam : Milton’s Political Bible
14h-15h : Session 9
Renaissance Diplomacy (Swift Theatre)
Tracey Sowerby (Pembroke College, University of Oxford) : Material Representation and Tudor Diplomacy
Diego Pirillo (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa) : Obedience and Resistance : Alberico Gentili and George Buchanan
The Italian Academies 1530-1650 : a Themed Collection Database (Davis Theatre)
Presented by Jane Everson (Royal Holloway, University of London), Denis Reidy (British Library), Simone Testa and Lorenza Gianfrancesco (Research Assistants at Royal Holloway and the British Library).
La conférence plénière de clôture reste à définir.
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